/“Thou hast formed us for thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in thee.”
This past May at the end of the school year, we went on vacation as soon as school was out. To say we needed a vacation would be an understatement! I know you guys were likely feeling the same way. This world keeps us moving at such a pace that somedays I think I can not possibly do one more thing, drive someone one more place or even take one more step. Why do we allow ourselves to be so consumed with busy-ness?
As I sat down on the beach with my journal and began to consider what the theme of my next series would be about...I at first thought that it would be J O Y. Looking back I think that is probably because I was so overjoyed to sit and do NOTHING for a few days on the beach. Over time though...I realized I was forcing the issue and what God really wanted me to look at was R E S T. Why do we need R E ST, how do we learn to be comfortable in the R E S T?
So rather than bust out a whole new series...I paused to listen and I rested. I demanded myself to make room for rest, for quiet, for time in the Word and in prayer.
The outcome...I didn't get a new series released by September as I had hoped but I was listening and resting. Don't get me wrong...I was painting, but I intentionally moved slowly and calmly. Alas, my R E S T: seeking light series will finally be released November 7th.
I think our busy-ness is ridiculous and I am learning to say NO. ....No, my body can't handle one more thing to do.
Are you feeling busy? Overwhelmed? Frazzled? What can you do today to start slowing down... taking moments to rest and listen?