A Walk Through The Light
/I had an epiphany over the last few months. I love hearing about others’ paths and the symbols and signs, so I wanted to share another crumb along my path - another spot of light to follow.
As I have continued to follow the theme of trees & water I discovered a connection that I found fascinating. It was like being struck by a lightning bolt… I am not kidding. I literally had to pick my jaw up off the floor when I saw it…
A few months ago I was studying Genesis and I came across the story of Jacob’s ladder.
“And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! And behold, the Lord stood above it and said, ‘I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac. The land on which you lie I will give to you and to your offspring.’”
Copyright: Timur Arbaev. Source: Google images
Then, in studying, I found the Japanese word for sunlight filtering through trees: KOMOREBI.
I love that they have a word for this beautiful effect in the Japanese language!
The Japanese symbol of sunlight.
Wouldn’t you say that a ladder and this Japanese symbol are extremely similar?
Now look closely at my paintings…. what do you see?
…the same symbol (!!!)
See it now?
This is SO exciting to me!
I have always viewed these markings in my work to symbolize the connector to the heavenly realm—all of my paintings seek to capture this ethereal light of God…and I have unconsciously wondered why I make these marks…one day I realized it was my ladder to the heavenly light.
I am moving towards the light and ascending up to the light…
To be reminded of Jacob’s story of the ladder ascending to heaven with angels coming back and forth...then to see the symbol of light streaming through trees and to look up and see the very same symbol and meaning in my own creations… 😮truly jaw-dropping…
I constantly come back to this: it is only when we enter into stillness, into sabbath keeping, into the rhythm of resting in Him that we can actually see…
the light
the reflections
the sunlight of hope filtering into our presence
the depth of meaning that surrounds us
…if we can only learn to be still.
I do not know why God has me on the path…but I am following and one day it might all make sense. Maybe you can relate. Perhaps it will lead to nothing or perhaps it will lead to a new body of work, writing a book or starting a painting retreat where I help others find the space to be still long enough to experience the light. I’m learning to be content with any and all that comes along on my path.
Grateful for continued clarity and the “peace which transcends all understanding”,
“Come let us walk in the light of the Lord.”