Refreshed Creativity


This summer there were many changes to my business.  It has taken me most of the summer to wrap my brain around the change.  It has been very clear to me for the last few years that having a studio open to the tourist has in many ways hindered my ability to grow as an artist.  

As I thought about how I create my best work, I realized that I create better when I can have 4-5 hours of quiet, un-interrupted time in my studio.  There is this space that some artist go when they are in the depths of the creative process…..I do not know how to explain it other than it feels like a different level of consciousness, or possibly a different space within your brain that suddenly clicks on when given the right circumstances.  Needless to say, when people walk into your studio….it breaks that flow and it is hard to return to that space once the connection has been severed.  

There are many ways people look at the creative process but for me it is:

A space for meditation

A time of prayer 

A choice to quiet your soul and listen to the voice within. 

A space to process the beauty and the sacredness of what you saw on the hiking trail.  

A place to think through the way light and sky reflect on water.

It is a moment in time, a dedicated space to go deeper within your soul.  Many fear this space and I agree there is some darkness there that stems from old hurts..but there is also beauty in the ashes.  It is within the hard dark spaces of our souls that we are refined by the fire and heat of the hard times. It is in those spaces where we grow and learn.  

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